Rubik's Cube Wiki

Algorithms are set of moves that are used in a specific order to solve in the Rubik's Cube. A special notation is used to describe which face needs to be rotated in which direction. A list of algorithm notations are listed below.

Rubik faces

Faces of the Rubik's Cube needed to twist


Basic notation[]

F - Front face clockwise
F' - Front face counter-clockwise
U - Up face clockwise
U' - Up face counter-clockwise
R - Right face clockwise
R' - Right face counter-clockwise
B - Back face clockwise
B' - Back face counter-clockwise
D - Down face clockwise
D' - Down face counter-clockwise
L - Lef
L' - Left face counter-clockwise
F2 - Front face rotate 180°
U2 - Up face rotate 180°
R2 - Right face rotate 180°
B2 - Back face rotate 180°
D2 - Down face rotate 180°
L2 - Left face rotate 180°

Advanced notation[]

This notation is only used for speedcubing.

f - Front face double layer clockwise
f' - Front face double layer counter-clockwise
u - Up face double layer clockwise
u' - Up face double layer counter-clockwise
r - Right face double layer clockwise 
r' - Right face double layer counter-clockwise
b - Back face double layer clockwise
b' - Back face double layer counter-clockwise
d - Down face double layer clockwise
d' - Down face double layer counter-clockwise
l - Left face double layer clockwise
l' - Left face double layer counter-clockwise
f2 - Front face double layer rotate 180°
u2 - Up face double layer rotate 180°
r2 - Right face double layer rotate 180°
b2 - Back face double layer rotate 180°
d2 - Down face double layer rotate 180°
l2 - Left face double layer rotate 180°
M - Middle face clockwize (in the direction of L)
E - Middle layer clockwize (in the direction of D)
S - Middle face clockwize (in the direction of F)
M' - Middle face counter-clockwize (in the direction of L)
E' - Middle layer counter-clockwize (in the direction of D)
S' - Middle face counter-clockwize (in the direction of F)
M2 - Middle face rotate 180º (in the direction of L)
E2 - Middle layer rotate 180º (in the direction of D)
S2 - Middle face rotate 180º (in the direction of F)
x - Entire cube clockwize (in the direction of R)
x' - Entire cube counter-clockwize (in the direction of R)
x2 - Entire cube 180º (in the direction of R)
y - Entire cube clockwize (in the direction of U)
y' - Entire cube counter-clockwize (in the direction of U)
y2 - Entire cube 180º (in the direction of U)
z - Entire cube clockwize (in the direction of F)
z' - Entire cube counter-clockwize (in the direction of F)
z2 - Entire cube 180º (in the direction of F)


Sometimes, you'll have to know how to hold the cube before you start turning an algorithm. It's most likely that a place of a piece is indicated. For example, before turning an algorithm, you have to hold a cornerpiece between the up, the front and the right side. Saying this is incredably long, and there is a better way to locate a location around the cube. For edge pieces, you use the sides the edge piece should be at. For example, you want an edge piece between the upper centerpiece and the centerpiece in front. Then you say the edgepiece should go in UF. The same goes with corners. UFR means that the cornerpiece should be placed between the upper centerpiece, the one in front and the one on the right side.


This is what the cube looks like before the turn is executed.


No turns executed yet.

The next pictures show common moves, which are executed from the position above.
